Managing your time.
Paying attention to tasks.
Switching focus between tasks and activities.
Planning and organizing details, projects & tasks.
Remembering details.
Avoiding saying or doing the wrong thing (acting or speaking impulsively).
Doing things based on having learned from past experiences.
Regulating your emotions.
Organizing yourself (time, planning, belongings, life).
These are things that we all need to live our best life, right?
No better time to start working on them than right now!
EF (that’s what the cool kids call it!) can be developed at any age or stage, and helps with school, career, and relationships.
Some EF deficits may look like this:
focusing on only one part of what was said, forgetting other instructions.
becoming easily frustrated and angry when things are not going as expected.
persisting with a plan long after it is evident that it is not going to work.
difficulty getting started on things.
becoming overwhelmed about where to start, focusing on the small, insignificant, or easy parts first.
not being able to pick up on social cues.
your son or daughter will be driving soon but is not good at sustaining attention and filtering out distractions.
If any of these apply to you or someone you know, improved EF may be the answer.

Most cognitive skills are learned.
That means that thinking and learning skills can be improved with practice and the right training & support.
The main ways we help people improve these skills are:
providing science-based information you can really use.
EF Coaching
Play Attention—We are one of only 6 certified providers in the United States for this advanced cognitive training in the form of fun games where you control the screen with your thoughts only—no controller. Wait. What? You can even do it in the privacy of your own home! Really!
Reach out to us now and we’ll send you a free e-book about the signs of EF weakness displayed by children aged 0-18 and what you can do.
